Saturday 10 September 2016

ITEC 625 Midterm Exam Answers

ITEC 625 Midterm Exam Answers

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1.  In a computer CPU where are the arithmetic calculations performed? arithmetic logic unit

2.The operating system is generally idling until it takes control when an
interrupt occurs.  A second way the operating system takes control is
when an application program issues a __?.

3.  If you shift the bits of a binary integer to the left by three places the value of the resulting binary number is how much bigger or smaller.
4.What is the value of the following 1’s complement integer?  1110 1011

5.  What number is encoded in this raster image?

  • 6.  The Unit of transfer between storage and cache memory is call _________
7.What is the value of the following 2’s complement number
1101 1011

8.What technique is being utilized when a second instruction cycle is initiated before the previous instruction has completed.

9.The size (amount) of cache memory _____________as you get closer to the CPU.

10.  You add two positive 2’s complement binary integers in a 16 bit microprocessor.   The result has a 1 in the leftmost position.  When this occurs it is called ________.

11. Express the base 10 number 21 in base 3 format.

12. After the LMC executes the instruction 640 what happens next?

13. A single core or single CPU architecture can is able to multi_________.

14. The program counter register contains what?

15.What is value of the 2’s complement integer  1001 1001?

16.Write the LMC instruction (in decimal format) that Stores the contents of the accumulator at address location 25.

17. Moving data to and from memory always requires the use of what two registers.  ______________ and ____________

18.What technique allows you bypass the CPU when transferring data from main memory to an I/O device.

19.  The value 7 is stored at address 92 in the LMC.  What instruction adds this value to the value in the accumulator (calculator).

20. The LMC instruction 392 performs what type of function?

21.If you have a true color display using 8 bits for the intensity of each primary color.  How many colors can you create for the display

22.What is a thread?

23.What part of the CPU is responsible for transferring instructions from memory?

24. What type of bus architecture is used to connect DVDs to the disk controller?

25.  In a Shared-Nothing architecture the work is partitioned through the division of _____________.

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