Saturday 10 September 2016

QNT 561 Week 3 Business Research Project Part 2

QNT 561 Week 3 Business Research Project Part 2

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Instructions Assignment Files Grading
Append the Week 2 Business Research Project Part 1 paper with the following:

Each team member should:
  • Find three articles relevant to your research problem with a minimum of one being peer-reviewed. Sources of non-peer reviewed articles may be trade journals or other sources recommended by your instructor. • Provide a brief summary of each article by selecting relevant research that addresses the variables in the research question(s) of the article. • Use an in-text citation and reference for each articte.

As a  team, revise the research question developed in the Business Research Project Part 1 using the team member’s article summaries as a resource. The research plan should be 700 to 1,050 words in length. Note: This paper is in addition to the week 2 assignment and the total length does not include the week 2 paper. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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