Saturday 10 September 2016

QNT 561 Full Course Applied Business Research and Statistics

QNT 561 Full Course Applied Business Research and Statistics

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QNT 561 Complete Class Latest

QNT 561 Week 1 Assignment Chapter 2 Exercise 4 ,6,12,14,18,20

QNT 561 Week 2 Business Research Project Part 1
QNT 561 Week 2 Assignment Chapter 5 Exercise 4 ,14,22,34,40
QNT 561 Week 2 Assignment Chapter 6 Exercise 4 ,14,20,26
QNT 561 Week 2 Assignment Chapter 7 Exercise 4 ,10,14,18, 28

QNT 561 Week 3 Business Research Project Part 2
QNT 561 Week 3 Sampling and Data Collection Plan
QNT 561 Week 3 Assignment Chapter 8 Exercise  2,8,12,16
QNT 561 Week 3 Assignment Chapter 9 Exercise  4,6,10,26,28

QNT 561 Week 4 Descriptive Statistics and Interpretation
QNT 561 Week 4 Business Research Project Part 3 
QNT 561 Week 4 Assignment Chapter 10 Exercise  2,10,12,16
QNT 561 Week 4 Assignment Chapter 11 Exercise   2,8,14
QNT 561 Week 4 Assignment Chapter 12 Exercise   8,14,18
QNT 561 Week 4 Assignment Chapter 13 Exercise   16

QNT 561 Week 5 Inferential Statistics and Findings
QNT 561 Week 5 Business Research Project Part 4
QNT 561 Week 5 Assignment Chapter 13 Exercise   6,12,14,22,26
QNT 561 Week 5 Assignment Chapter 14 Exercise   2,6,8

QNT 561 Week 6 Business Research Project Final: Research Report 
QNT 561 Week 6 Assignment Chapter 18 Exercise   2,10

QNT 561 Week 2 Business Research Project Part 1
Instructions Assignment Files Grading
Identify an organization familiar to the members of the Learning Team. If using a real company. disguise the company name with a pseudonym (e.g. Company X).
Business Research Project
Identify one independent variable and one dependent variable based on the business. Operationalize these variables it they are too abstract to measure. Create a 350-10 700-wOrd real or realistic scenario for the introduction based on the company Selected and the two variables. Include a background, a business protaem.ano the team’s role. Create a research question based on the two variables. Develop hypothesis statements based on the research question. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

QNT 561 Week 3 Business Research Project Part 2
Instructions Assignment Files Grading
Append the Week 2 Business Research Project Part 1 paper with the following:

Each team member should:
  • Find three articles relevant to your research problem with a minimum of one being peer-reviewed. Sources of non-peer reviewed articles may be trade journals or other sources recommended by your instructor. • Provide a brief summary of each article by selecting relevant research that addresses the variables in the research question(s) of the article. • Use an in-text citation and reference for each articte.

As a  team, revise the research question developed in the Business Research Project Part 1 using the team member’s article summaries as a resource. The research plan should be 700 to 1,050 words in length. Note: This paper is in addition to the week 2 assignment and the total length does not include the week 2 paper. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
Note: Upon receiving instructor feedback. revise your week 2 Business Research Project Part 1.

QNT 561 Week 3 Sampling and Data Collection Plan

Part 1: Sampling Design Write a 350- to 700-word paper using the scenario and two vanables your learning team developed for the Week 2 Business Research Project Part 1 assignment. in which the goal is to submit a random sampling plan in such detail that another researcher could replicate the method.
Discuss the following: • Population and size • The target population and brief reasoning • Sampling element which may be conducted through any of the following: • Data mining • Survey (If a survey is chosen, create a 5.10 question document), or • Observation • The sample size • method or random sampling which may Include: • Simple • Stratified •

Calculate the sample size for the mean or sample or sample size for the proportion, using a 95% confidence level. estimated population standard deviation or estimate of the true population proportion, and a 5% margin of error. Place the calculation in the Appendix. Discuss how validity and reliability will be achieved. If applicable, explain how human subjects will be protected.
Part 2: Data Collection Explain how the data will be physically collected. Explain where data win be stored and now it will be protected.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment

QNT 561 Week 4 Descriptive Statistics and Interpretation

create a Mit nasal’ ExceP spreadsheet with the two variables from your learning team’s dataset.
Analyze the data with microsorte Excels or Other statistical tool(s). including: • Descriptive stats for each numeric variable • Histogram for each numeric variable • Bar chart for each attribute (non numeric) variable • Scatter plot if the data contains two numeric variables Determine the appropriate descriptive statistics. • FOr normally distributed data use the mean and standard deviation. • For significantly skewed data use the median and interquartile range. Use the Individual Methodology Findings Template to complete the descriptive statistics. Use the Descriptive Statistics and Interpretation Example to develop an interpretation of the descriptive statistics. Format your paper consistent With APA guidelines. Submit both the spreadsheet and the completed Individual Methodology Findings Template to the Assignment Files tab.

QNT 561 Week 5 Inferential Statistics and Findings

Create an inferential statistics (hypothesis) test using the research question and two variables your learning team developed for the Week 2 Business Research Project Part 1
Business Research Project Part 1
  • The research question
  • Mock data for the Independent and dependent variables
Determine the appropriate statistical tool to test the hypothesis based on the research question.
Conduct a hypothesis test with a 95% confidence level, using the statistical tool.
Write an interpretation or no more man 350-words of the results and provide your findings.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Submit both the spreadsheet and the paper to the Assignment Files tab.

QNT 561 Week 6 Business Research Project Final: Research Report 

Collect the team members’ Week 5 individual Inferential Statistics and Findings assignment papers and spreadsheets.
Review each team members inferential statistics and findings. incorporating the best elements into one team inferential statistics and findings paper and spreadsheet.
  • Note the strengths and weaknesses
  • Where there are differences, collaborate with your team to find the best approach.
Complete the cumulative Business Research Project by combining all parts into a 2.450- to 2.800- word paper that is between by collaborating with your team to include the following: • Revised tables or figures based on prior instructor feedback • Description or interpretation of the tables or figures • Summary of the results of testing the null hypothesis, with a clear statement whether or not the null hypothesis was rejected • Answers to the research questions • Conclusions that were derived from this study • An inconclusive result is acceptable for this project. Should that be the case, suggest potential future research efforts and a new research questions that might provide more definitive results. • Recommendations based on the results • Observations (reftec ion) on the business problem and its solution • Research challenges your team experienced in this study

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