Saturday 10 September 2016

MKT 569 Midterm Exam Answers

MKT 569 Midterm Exam Answers

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Question 1 (2.5%): Using examples for precise illustration, explain how BMW has planned innovation and new product development to manage its technology life cycle, i.e., product life cycle.

Question 2 (2.5%): Name and explain the CONSENSUS 5 most important elements of the article entitled, “Want New Products That Get Noticed? Change The Process” according to the Module 2 discussion.

Question 3 (2.5%): In what ways are the chief lessons of the article, “Honest Innovation,” relevant to the author’s assertions and recommendations in the article entitled, “Effective Gating?”  Select the BEST arguments from the Module 3 discussion in answering this essay question.

Question 4 (2.5%): Identify and explain what you argue are the top 5 executive management recommendations by A.G. Lafley (P&G) for sustaining a culture of innovation and new product development.

Question 5 (2.5%): Identify and explain your top 5 recommendations for partnerships, alliances, and customer relationships (Chapter 5) to avoid the outcomes of “The Model 1100 Trial Disaster at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center” as detailed in the Module 4 “Perspective.”

Question 6 (2.5%): Identify and explain your top 5 recommendations for marketing research (Chapter 6) to avoid the outcomes of “The Model 1100 Trial Disaster at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center” as detailed in the Module 4 “Perspective.”

Writing across the Curriculum:
Please be reminded that ALL written assignments in this course (including examinations) require FORMAL WRITING, i.e., standard business English as employed in the typical executive management suite.  Given the importance of proper business communication by masters of business administration, examination submissions exhibiting errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and executive business style will be grade penalized.

References regarding grammar usage and style recommended by the School of Business are: Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style and Shertzer’s The Elements of Grammar.  Saint Leo University administration and Board of Trustees promise the public that we are following Benedictine values, not the least of which are excellence and integrity.  Please acquit yourself in this course consistent with these values.  Grades will necessarily suffer if one does not behave in accordance with these values.  It deserves repeating: plagiarism of any kind, intentional or unintentional, is treated with great concern at Saint Leo University.  Plagiarism must be reported to the executive administration.  A hearing will then be scheduled.  It is better to be excessive in citing sources throughout the body of a paper than to risk the charge of plagiarism.  A “Reference” section must conclude all written work in which sources require citing.

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